Opportunity for Experts 1.0: exposition on the pragmaticist scientific community

Jose A Vanderhorst S
3 min readJul 29, 2020

Correction of a translation error on the image: it is a global pragmaticist (not pragmatic) community.


This is a translation of the response “Oportunidad para Expertos 1.0: exposición sobre la comunidad científica pragmaticista (https://medium.com/@gmh_upsa/oportunidad-para-expertos-1-0-exposici%C3%B3n-sobre-la-comunidad-cient%C3%ADfica-pragmaticista-8db6473c7818 )” of the story “Oportunidad para Expertos: Grandes Cambios, Circunstancias, Grados de Claridad y los Estados,” written in the order of discovery, which for the time being will not be translated. It will be followed us by the “Opportunity for Experts 2.0: an alternative for the #NewMacyMeeting.

In what follows, the purpose of the community is presented, the order followed that is different from that of the story that responds, the convergence of the disciplines and the reason for the subset of Twitter. The exposition aims to clarify the “Opportunity for Experts,” some of whom may aspire to become influencers.

2. Purpose.

Open the way to the pragmatic community of Organizational Systems Architecture Science that supports the practical philosophy envisioned by Charles Sanders Peirce more than a century ago. Until proven otherwise, this would be the first time that such a community has been formed worldwide.

3. Order of discovery and order of exposition.

While the story focuses on the order of discovery to enhance the skill of the experts, this answer tries to follow the order of an exhibition for the general public with which I also hope that people of any circumstance help to influence the experts for they to find out about the opportunity as soon as possible. Leaving open the possibility of new versions, this answer corresponds to version 1.0.

4. The phenomenon of the convergence of disciplines

Here the affirmative answer for the organizational disciplines is the question “is it possible to establish genuinely communicative relationships between the disciplines?” Those disciplines have followed a process of divergence that was accentuated in the Modern Age and persisted in the Contemporary Age that has become a priori thought that can no longer be considered scientific, or be part of a community. Now in the Cyber ​​Age, however, they will be able to follow a process of behavioral convergence a posteriori that requires their own pragmatic scientific community. Especially, in an increasingly interdependent world, the observation that “the growing superspecialization is that the best experts in one area are not able to communicate and understand each other even in the next area because they actually speak different languages” justifies the need for change from pragmatism to the convergence of pragmaticism.

5. Why a subset of Twitter approaching the Third Degree of Clarity.

While research could be conducted in the internal space of organizations in the Contemporary Era, in the Cyber ​​Age research on organizations is open to a global network where the best sources of co-creation and timely feedback cannot be anticipated that will be very valuable in a decentralized Global State. Until proven otherwise, Twitter is at this time the best platform to create a cooperative system with a minimalist architecture for the Global State that serves as the environment in which cooperative and competitive systems with less scope are inserted in global, national municipal, and tribal circumstances. Those circumstances correspond to the four great cultural changes of humanity that operate simultaneously. It is as well as in that platform that it is tried to achieve the convergence of the disciplines.

6. Conclusion

The world has changed so much that practical philosophy needs a platform that brings together researchers from all over the world to develop organizations that take into account the effects of the great change brought about by the global circumstance that makes the convergence of organizational disciplines necessary and possible. That’s why we need to attract experts to give them a chance to become Systems Architecture scientists, some of whom would eventually be the influencers amplifying this opportunity that other experts aren’t expecting, but will love.



Jose A Vanderhorst S

Hashtags on what I stand for: 1 “There is nothing so powerful as #TheWealthOfGlobalization whose time has come;” 2 #BrightGlobalization; 3 #SystemicCivilization